for peace of the soul and balance of the body

“To find health is the object of the physician, anyone can find disease.”

Dr. Andrew Taylor Still
Zita Pavlištová treating a woman using craniosacral biodynamic therapy

What we offer

We provide individual care during a wide range of physical and mental health problems and as a tool to foster health and develop potential. We provide expert consultation and advisory in specific cases. We guarantee the professional quality of our therapists. We organize supervisions, the basic 3-year training and postgraduate courses for therapists. Craniosacral biodynamic therapy works with the natural intelligence of the body and activates its self-healing powers.

  • The human system, living, wise, and complex, continually strives to maintain itself in the best possible condition and has untapped powers to heal itself. Biodynamic craniosacral therapy opens up space for collaboration with this system, at a very deep level. It perceives the human being as a whole in which everything interacts and in which the biodynamic forces maintain life.

    The practitioner supports these forces, draws attention to their manifestations and thus enhances the system’s ability to heal itself and restore inner balance. Biodynamics does not correct “mistakes” or attack the “disease”. It does not remove the symptoms, it goes beyond them, to the core of the problems where health is always present, where it has never been lost.

    Craniosacral work has its origins in Western medicine and has long been a part of it. The founder was an American osteopath Dr. Sutherland in the mid-20th century. At the end of the century, craniosacral therapy exceeded the field of osteopathy and developed in a separate therapeutic form. The biodynamic approach is the youngest in craniosacral therapy and is at the forefront of its development.

    “My patients are happy. My colleagues think I’m crazy.”  Dr. Rollin Becker

  • The human system, living, wise, and complex, continually strives to maintain itself in the best possible condition and has untapped powers to heal itself. Biodynamic craniosacral therapy opens up space for collaboration with this system, at a very deep level. It perceives the human being as a whole in which everything interacts and in which the biodynamic forces maintain life.

    The practitioner supports these forces, draws attention to their manifestations and thus enhances the system’s ability to heal itself and restore inner balance. Biodynamics does not correct “mistakes” or attack the “disease”. It does not remove the symptoms, it goes beyond them, to the core of the problems where health is always present, where it has never been lost.

    Craniosacral work has its origins in Western medicine and has long been a part of it. The founder was an American osteopath Dr. Sutherland in the mid-20th century. At the end of the century, craniosacral therapy exceeded the field of osteopathy and developed in a separate therapeutic form. The biodynamic approach is the youngest in craniosacral therapy and is at the forefront of its development.

    “My patients are happy. My colleagues think I’m crazy.”  Dr. Rollin Becker

Who can benefit from the therapy

Craniosacral therapy positively affects a wide range of psychological, neurological, immune and hormonal problems and dysfunctions. It does not eliminate the symptoms but seeks a new natural balance of the whole organism. By always working with a person as a whole, the problem is often solved on multiple levels at the same time. The cause dissolves and the symptoms are also gone. Thanks to the softness and non-invasive approach, it is suitable for adults and children, pregnant women and babies.

In most developed countries today, craniosacral work is a part or complement of the state’s medical system. It addresses the body as a whole and directs it towards healthy and natural functioning – that way it becomes a powerful tool which works even when everything else fails.

    • movement problems
    • back, spine and joint pain
    • chronic pain in the limbs
    • degenerative spine changes (scoliosis)
    • problems with jaws and cavities
    • dysfunctions in the ear, eye, nose
    • headache, migraine
    • stomach pain
    • poor functioning of the internal organs
    • depression, exhaustion, fatigue
    • chronic fatigue syndrome
    • burnout
    • insomnia
    • stress, inability to calm down
    • consequences of accidents and injuries
    • postoperative difficulties
    • emotional and physical shocks
    • feelings of alienation, anxiety
    • the therapy deepens the perception of the body and awareness of oneself
    • connects body-mind-space
    • harmonizes the nervous system
    • strengthens the body and contributes to overall stability
    • appropriate preparation for childbirth and postpartum integration
    • dissolves birth and prenatal trauma
    • strengthens the relationship between mother and child
    • child hyperactivity, learning disabilities, ADHD
    • growth problems in children (scoliosis)

Who can benefit from the therapy

Craniosacral therapy positively affects a wide range of psychological, neurological, immune and hormonal problems and dysfunctions. It does not eliminate the symptoms but seeks a new natural balance of the whole organism. By always working with a person as a whole, the problem is often solved on multiple levels at the same time. The cause dissolves and the symptoms are also gone. Thanks to the softness and non-invasive approach, it is suitable for adults and children, pregnant women and babies.

In most developed countries today, craniosacral work is a part or complement of the state’s medical system. It addresses the body as a whole and directs it towards healthy and natural functioning – that way it becomes a powerful tool which works even when everything else fails.

    • movement problems
    • back, spine and joint pain
    • chronic pain in the limbs
    • degenerative spine changes (scoliosis)
    • problems with jaws and cavities
    • dysfunctions in the ear, eye, nose
    • headache, migraine
    • stomach pain
    • poor functioning of the internal organs
    • depression, exhaustion, fatigue
    • chronic fatigue syndrome
    • burnout
    • insomnia
    • stress, inability to calm down
    • after accidents and injuries
    • postoperative difficulties
    • emotional and physical shocks
    • feelings of alienation, anxiety
    • deepens the perception of the body
    • brings awareness of oneself
    • connects body-mind-space
    • harmonizes the nervous system
    • strengthens the body
    • contributes to overall stability
    • appropriate preparation for childbirth
    • postpartum integration
    • dissolves birth and prenatal trauma
    • fosters the mother-child relationship
    • child hyperactivity
    • learning disabilities, ADHD
    • growth problems in children (scoliosis)

During a session

The treatment is done on a massage table in comfortable clothing. The body always has a natural tendency to return to balance, to regulate itself. The therapist accompanies it and supports it. Through the soft, gentle touch of his hands, the therapist contacts you. This allows him to see what is happening in your body, conveying his presence to your organism and provide it the orientation. The therapist joins the innate intelligence of the client’s system, allowing self-healing tendencies to take place. In doing so, he uses the principles of craniosacral biodynamics that are most appropriate for the individual process.

  • The therapist works with the vital dynamic forces which shape us, maintain our lives and return us to health. They move each cell and appear to be smooth soft rhythms to the sensitive hands of the therapist. They are very slow, slower than breathing. They move the bones, tissues, fluids, and pass through the body.

    The therapist orientates himself according to these movements, he can read about the manifestations of human health in them. He perceives their strength and quality, supports them, and thus enhances their healing effects. In biodynamics, the therapist does not focus on the problem, although he may feel it. He perceives it as a part of the overall organisation and supports the innate healing and control mechanisms in the body.

    He does not try to eliminate the problem, he respects the way and the time in which the body itself can get rid of it. Such changes are not the result of an external intervention by a therapist. They will only happen when there are conditions for change in the body and for maintaining a new, more natural balance. Therefore, the results are more persistent and the symptoms you get rid of usually don’t come back.

  • The therapist works with the vital dynamic forces which shape us, maintain our lives and return us to health. They move each cell and appear to be smooth soft rhythms to the sensitive hands of the therapist. They are very slow, slower than breathing. They move the bones, tissues, fluids, and pass through the body.

    The therapist orientates himself according to these movements, he can read about the manifestations of human health in them. He perceives their strength and quality, supports them, and thus enhances their healing effects. In biodynamics, the therapist does not focus on the problem, although he may feel it. He perceives it as a part of the overall organisation and supports the innate healing and control mechanisms in the body.

    He does not try to eliminate the problem, he respects the way and the time in which the body itself can get rid of it. Such changes are not the result of an external intervention by a therapist. They will only happen when there are conditions for change in the body and for maintaining a new, more natural balance. Therefore, the results are more persistent and the symptoms you get rid of usually don’t come back.

Zita Pavlištová treating a woman using craniosacral biodynamic therapy
Zita Pavlištová treating a woman using craniosacral biodynamic therapy

During a session

The treatment is done on a massage table in comfortable clothing. The body always has a natural tendency to return to balance, to regulate itself. The therapist accompanies it and supports it. Through the soft, gentle touch of his hands, the therapist contacts you. This allows him to see what is happening in your body, conveying his presence to your organism and provide it the orientation. The therapist joins the innate intelligence of the client’s system, allowing self-healing tendencies to take place. In doing so, he uses the principles of craniosacral biodynamics that are most appropriate for the individual process.

  • The therapist works with the vital dynamic forces which shape us, maintain our lives and return us to health. They move each cell and appear to be smooth soft rhythms to the sensitive hands of the therapist. They are very slow, slower than breathing. They move the bones, tissues, fluids, and pass through the body.

    The therapist orientates himself according to these movements, he can read about the manifestations of human health in them. He perceives their strength and quality, supports them, and thus enhances their healing effects. In biodynamics, the therapist does not focus on the problem, although he may feel it. He perceives it as a part of the overall organisation and supports the innate healing and control mechanisms in the body.

    He does not try to eliminate the problem, he respects the way and the time in which the body itself can get rid of it. Such changes are not the result of an external intervention by a therapist. They will only happen when there are conditions for change in the body and for maintaining a new, more natural balance. Therefore, the results are more persistent and the symptoms you get rid of usually don’t come back.

About our therapists

Zita Pavlištová - a therapist of craniosacral biodynamic therapy at Cranio Clinic

Zita Pavlištová, BCST


Zita Pavlištová graduated from the three-year craniosacral balancing training at the “International Institute for Craniosacral Balancing” (Bern, Switzerland), and since 2009 she has her own therapeutic practice. As a supervisor she is co-conducting the Prague professional training of biodynamic craniosacral therapy.

Martin Tužinský - a therapist of craniosacral biodynamic therapy at Cranio Clinic

Martin Tužinský, BCST


Martin Tužinský graduated from the three-year craniosacral balancing training at the “International Institute for Craniosacral Balancing” (Bern, Switzerland), and since 2012 he has his own therapeutic practice. As an assistant he is involved in conducting the Prague professional training of biodynamic craniosacral therapy.

Price of therapy with Zita Pavlištová

set of 6 treatments

1 800 CZK / 75 EUR per session

540 minutes, total price of the set 10 800 CZK / 450 EUR

set of 3 treatments

2 100 CZK / 85 EUR per session

270 minutes, total price of the set 6 300 CZK / 255 EUR

single treatment

2 400 CZK / 100 EUR per session

90 minutes, price individually 2 400 CZK / 100 EUR

Price of therapy with Martin Tužinský

longer single treatment

1 300 CZK / 45 EUR per session

90 minutes, appropriate for adults

shorter single treatment

800 CZK / 30 EUR per session

60 minutes, appropriate mainly for children

Ask for a treatment


Prague, Trojická 10

connection: metro line B Karlovo náměstí - exit Palackého náměstí, tram 2, 3, 4, 16, 17 to Palackého sq. and 14, 18, 24 to Botanická zahrada

▸ navigate to us

tel.: +420 723 253 757


Bratislava, Zvolenská 36

connection: in the city center near the Prievozská street, bus to station Miletičova 70, 202, 208, 212, N72 a X72

▸ navigate to us

tel.: +421 949 271 811



Prague, Trojická 10

Professional training in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

Zita Pavlištová treating woman's legs using craniosacral biodynamic therapy

Starting on April 2023 we organize the 3-year basic professional training led by Bhadrena Tschumi Gemin, MA, BCST, RCST and Kavi Alessandro Gemin, Osteopath, BCST, RCST, in collaboration with the International Institute for Craniosacral Balancing® ICSB. By completing the training, you are awarded an internationally valid BCST certificate, Biodynamic Craniosacral Practitioner.

Since 1986 the International Institute for Craniosacral Balancing® has trained thousands of professionals and has thus ranked among the best training centers. It offers complete basic professional training that provides students with support at each level of their studies.

  • For craniosacral work the training uses the biodynamic approach. Its model is based on the understanding of the natural life forces which organize and maintain our form and function. Biodynamic approach cooperates with these forces, helping the organism in self-regulation and reorganization, supporting those forces which are the basis of the proper functioning of the system.

    25 years of research in the field has allowed us to deepen the way we work and to develop a comprehensive training for trainees, accredited by the Cranio Suisse® Association in Switzerland (applying the same guidelines as the UK and US associations).

You can find the detailed training plan and the signup form here.